What motivates you to achieve a goal? Some goals are challenging, and you need motivation to get you started. These simple ways help you get results.

Best Ways to Find What Motivates You
If you struggle to find what motivates you, you may need some suggestions. These simple ways may be the best advice to help you get started to achieve your goals.

Having a Dream
What better way to motivate yourself than fulfilling a dream? Although success may require training, education, and experience, if your dream is a burning desire, you are motivated to continue. Obstacles will not deter you from your goal, and each small success further motivates you to keep going.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.
Besides, dreams have other benefits for motivation. They help clear your brain and make room for gaining a new perspective. Both are important to problem-solving and creating something new.

Someone to Emulate
Do you have someone you want to emulate? A leader you admire can be the impetus to boost your motivation. If you want to achieve similar success, or pattern your behavior after your favorite leader, you have a basic blueprint to follow. However, since everyone is different, you will need to modify your path to accommodate your strengths, talents, needs, and situation.

Support from Your Peers
No one achieves success alone. Although you may believe it’s only your hard work that gets you past the finish line, peer support also plays an important role. So, no matter what the challenge, goal, or activity, if you truly want something, the motivation you need may also include a little help from your friends.
“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” – Epictetus.

Clear Direction May Be What Motivates You
What’s a goal without clear direction? You can articulate what you want and still not know how to get there. A mentor, an experienced guide, or professional may be able to give you the direction you need.
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey
A Solid Plan
The key to success is always to have a solid plan. Without one, you’re less likely to achieve any goal, much less one you truly want.
“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” – Fitzhugh Dodson.
What Motivates You May Require Strong Coping Measures
While working on your goal may proceed as you expect, sometimes you encounter obstacles that could derail progress. Likewise, you may exceed your pace but begin to tire anyway. In any case, strong coping measures can make a huge difference in overall success or missing the mark.
Desire to Make a Difference
Making a difference is a strong motivator for many and may work well for you. While you can choose any goal, the desire to leave a legacy, help others, further scientific research, or contribute knowledge is both noble and necessary. As Tony Robbins says, contribution is one of humanity’s most vital human needs, bringing fulfillment.
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Push Your Boundaries
If you typically go right to your limits and stop, your motivation may involve pushing past your boundaries. The thrill of accomplishment you get from completing a rigorous challenge can stimulate you more than you know. In running, it’s called the “runner’s high,” but it’s not unique to the sport.
When you push your boundaries, you not only test, but motivate yourself to continue. Furthermore, it’s what mountain climbers, professional athletes, and everyday sports enthusiasts rely on to get them over that hump. You give it that extra push to get a little farther, stronger, faster, or more competitive.
“Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine.
Meditating is another strong way to find what motivates you. Sitting in solitude, whether in a yoga pose or traditional meditation position can help you calm your mind. Afterwards, you are refreshed, energized, and may want to tackle a challenge or work on something new and interesting.
Besides, meditation builds resilience, necessary for long-term motivation. But meditating also boosts mood, which further stimulates motivation, and your inner drive, which helps you pursue goals.

Gratitude May Be What Motivates You
Others say that gratitude is their motivation to pursue goals, get back to work on a difficult and time-consuming project, or start an exciting activity.
When you feel grateful for what you have, like your health, loving family, friends, a stable job, and financial stability, you have the mental space and capacity to tackle challenges and pursue opportunities.
“Each day brings new opportunities, allowing you to constantly live with love, be there for others, bring a little light into someone’s day. Be grateful and live each day to the fullest.” – Roy T. Bennett.
Finally, what motivates you? Is it something internal or external? Are there habits you recommend to increase your motivation?