Daily Thoughts


Love Makes Your Heart Skip — Live a Vibrant Life

Love: What a wonderful way to live a vibrant life. Love makes your heart skip. Or race. Or feel like it’s about to pop out of your chest. Of all love’s signs, this one is universal.

“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses.” – Lao Tzu

You’re Always Young Enough for Love — to Live a Vibrant Life

For those who think they’re long past the age for love, think again. Couples in their advanced years can love just as their counterparts who are decades younger.

Love Makes the World Go Around

Where would we be without love? The world would be desolate, full of sameness and no passion. Thankfully, where there is life, there is love. There is always love.

Everything Is Possible When You’re in Love and Live a Vibrant Life

Love is that unique emotion that makes you feel like everything is possible. Besides, love makes you look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Love: All You Can Think About is the One You Love

No matter what is happening around you, you can only think about your beloved when you’re in love. While your attention may briefly return to reality, it quickly reverts to all-consuming thoughts of the person you love.

You Always Remember Your First True Love

There is something magical about the first time you experience love. It is a feeling you never forget. Some couples are lucky to be with their first love for a lifetime. Others have less time with their beloved. Yet everyone cherishes the memory of their first true love.

Other Physical Signs You’re in Love

Besides the sign that love makes your heart skip, there are a few other telltale physical signs you’re in love:

  • Love makes sleepless nights an everyday occurrence. But you don’t seem to notice – or care.
  • Physical appetite tends to decrease when you’re in love. Besides, you get butterflies when you see or think about your beloved.
  • People can tell you’re in love by looking at you. It’s funny how this works. Many adjectives tell the same story: Lovestruck, smitten, over-the-moon, bedazzled.
  • You laugh a lot when you’re in love. You’re also less likely to get angry.
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