Blog Archive
August 20, 2024 | ARCHIVE
How to Use Powerful Wisdom to Change Your Life
Powerful wisdom to change your life doesn’t always come quickly. Yet, there’s a lot of conversation about the necessity to change. So, how do you use wisdom this way? Here are some tips.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
How to Deal with a Demanding Boss: Really Powerful Tips
Learning how to deal with a demanding boss is like dancing on a highwire or balancing a teetering rock. Here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate it.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
Self-Doubt: 10 Powerful Ways to Deal with It
Everyone inevitably experiences self-doubt. The critical point to remember here isn’t that you doubt yourself because you will, but what you’ll do about it.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
Sleep Helps You Heal:The Most Remarkable Ways
Did you know that sleep helps you heal? Getting a good night’s sleep helps you wake up refreshed and renewed. Check out these remarkable ways sleep heals.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
Cultivate Resilience: 11 Beautiful Ways for You
Do you know how to cultivate resilience? Looking for ways to cultivate resilience is a proactive strategy. Here are some beautiful ways to do just that.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
Best Easy Ways to Overcome Depression
Do you want to find easy ways to overcome depression? Feeling down for weeks is no fun. Try these proactive steps to manage depression and live a vibrant life.November 8, 2023 | ARCHIVE
How Lies Really Harm You: 10 Amazing Truths
What are the truths about how lies really harm you? We’ve all told lies from time to time. But lying always has a profound effect. Here’s a look at 10 ways lies can hurt you.November 7, 2023 | ARCHIVE
How to Use Powerful Wisdom to Change Your Life
Powerful wisdom to change your life doesn’t always come quickly. Yet, many of us want to change. So, how do you use wisdom this way? Here are some tips.October 27, 2020 | ARCHIVE
Blog Archive Suzanne Kane: Some of My Powerful Best Articles
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I’m changing myself.” – Rumi There’s a lot of conversation about the necessity to change. Indeed, change is all around us, especially recently, so it should be something we’re both familiar and comfortable with. However, that isn’t always the…
The Wisdom to Change Yourself
October 27, 2020
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I’m changing myself.” – Rumi
There’s a lot of conversation about the necessity to change. Indeed, change is all around us, especially recently, so it should be something we’re both familiar and comfortable with. However, that isn’t always the case. In fact, it’s much easier to embark on a journey or project to change something in the world than to begin where change should really start, which is within you.
Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash
Why is change so difficult for us to do? Why do we resist, sometimes vehemently and persistently, even in the face of facts that should convince us otherwise? We lack confidence in our ability to follow through on what’s necessary to effect the change. More likely, we don’t want to change. We’re happy or satisfied with things the way they are. We like our cigarettes, our favorite cocktail, watching sports and drinking with our friends, indulging in risky behavior, and taking chances. In some ways, we even wear our behavior as a badge of courage, a symbol of our identity.
But facing our inner truths and being willing to change that which should be modified, altered, or completely transformed? That’s tough. That takes a certain amount of wisdom.
Fortunately, most of us will acquire sufficient wisdom over time to permit ourselves to change. If we truly value certain goals and are determined to succeed in achieving them, we’re going to have to make some personal changes. We may not like the process. We may hate facing the truth about ourselves and cringe at the prospect of the incredibly demanding work self-change may require, but if the goal is something we really want, we’ll one day be ready – and wise enough – to change ourselves.
What do we do in the meantime? Take small steps. Make it a point to learn from mistakes so that we can see alternative paths to take. List our strengths and weaknesses and see if there’s something in either column that will provide a roadmap to follow in our desire to make some personal changes.
Enlist the support of friends, family members, co-workers, and others in our desire to change. It’s important to have encouragement when personal change is the desired outcome. That’s because the natural tendency is to fall back into our more comfortable ways and give up the tough work that change requires.
Keep an eye on the goal and reward yourself for each incremental success. This will also add to your wisdom – knowing that you’ve made some smart choices in your quest to change.