How to Increase Your Energy: 10 Ways

December 22, 2023

Do you want to increase your energy? Busy lifestyles can be draining. Yet, there are natural ways to boost your energy levels that are easy and relatively quick.

10 Ways to Increase Your Energy

Increase your energy? Absolutely. I’m all about doing what I can in a better way. This includes properly caring for my health and watching my daily energy levels. After considerable research, I’ve discovered that science backs up the merits of these 10 easy ways to increase your energy levels.

“You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.”

Oprah Winfrey

Lower Stress

Stress is a significant cause of energy depletion. When you’re stressed out, you’re worn out. If you suffer from chronic stress, the effect is cumulative and can worsen physical and mental conditions. Most stress is the result of anxiety, worry about things you cannot control, agonizing over making the wrong decisions, and even worrying about correct ones.

In short, living with non-stop stress zaps energy. Find healthy ways to lower your stress, and you’ll have more energy daily.

increase your energy

Ways to lower stress

How can you lower your stress? Do whatever relaxes you.

  • Read a fascinating novel
  • Go for coffee with a friend
  • Watch a favorite TV show or movie
  • Exercise vigorously
  • Garden
  • Play sports
  • Work on a hobby
  • Take a pleasant drive
  • Go out for dinner

Remember that it isn’t what you do but how relaxing the activity is that lessens the tension and reduces stress.

Eat More Nuts and Fish

Studies of women with magnesium deficiency showed they often felt physically exhausted. Why? Magnesium deficiency elevates heart rate, requiring more oxygen to function. Recommended daily magnesium allowances are 300 milligrams for women and 350 milligrams for men.

Natural magnesium sources that are low-calorie and delicious include:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Hazelnuts
  • Fish (such as halibut)

Increase Your Energy: Get Out and Walk

One of the simplest ways to boost energy levels is to go for a walk. How can walking increase your energy? It sounds contradictory, yet the science is sound.

A brisk 10-minute walk elevates energy levels. Better yet, the effects last up to 2 hours. Regular daily walks help you increase your energy and stamina and improve your mood.

Drink Lots of Water

Dehydration is another nasty energy-depleting culprit. When you’re dehydrated, your body is starved of life-saving water.

  • You may not realize that you’re thirsty. By the time you do, you’re likely dehydrated.
  • Sometimes, you think you’re fatigued when the truth is that you’re dehydrated.
  • You also might confuse hunger with thirst. The thought is you need to eat something when what you need is water.

There is a simple solution: drink water throughout the day. Strive for up to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. If you don’t like drinking too much plain water, use fruit-flavored, sugar-free water. Every organ in your body benefits, including muscles re-energized with water. You’ll also find that you’ve got a little more energy.

Cut Back on Sugar to Increase Your Energy

A high-sugar diet has a bad rap for good reason. It contributes to a thick waistline and heavier weight. But too much sugar also leaves you feeling drained. While sugar initially spikes blood sugar and provides an energy boost, that increased energy is short-lived. The rapid blood sugar drop may make you feel wiped out.

However, you can use a natural sweetener. I’ve become a fan of Stevia, a no-calorie natural sweetener that tastes 30 times sweeter than table sugar. Also, try Monk fruit. Both are excellent alternatives to regular sugar for baking.

increase your energy

Do Yoga

Yoga fans know that the practice is excellent for boosting energy. The asanas (poses) utilize breathing techniques that increase oxygen flow and alertness.

Also, the Savasana pose (corpse pose) helps reduce fatigue. Do this pose at the end of your yoga session. It looks like taking a quiet nap on the floor while resting on your yoga mat. You are sleeping yet fully conscious for the 10-20 minutes you allocate for this vital energy exercise.

Increase Your Energy: Eat Breakfast Daily

Your mother and nutrition experts always say breakfast is the day’s most important meal. Despite busy schedules, don’t skip this vital meal. You need the energy. It doesn’t have to be a long, sit-down meal for you to gain the benefits of breakfast.

Just make sure you eat food wisely. Go for breakfasts that help you power up your morning. As Harvard Medical School experts point out, include whole grains, fruit, and protein – and eat at home, not from a fast-food eatery.

Add Power Snacks for Energy Between Meals

Dinner may be a long way off, especially if you’re physically active or concentrating on a complex project. Here’s a healthy solution. Snack on power foods for an instant energy lift.

Do a combination of fat, protein, a little bit of fat, and fiber. Your energy levels will increase. Try a low-fat, low-salt (or salt-free) cracker with peanut butter, or enjoy yogurt with a small handful of nuts.

increase your energy

Try a 1-Hour Power Nap to Prevent Burnout

Experimental research conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that an hour-long power nap prevented burnout in participating subjects. Like the physical effects of stress that cause fatigue, mental performance during repeated cognitive tasks, especially stressful ones, can stimulate feelings of fatigue and low energy levels.

While not everyone has the luxury of taking a 1-hour nap every day, even a half-hour nap will help. Still, 60 minutes is more beneficial in preventing burnout.

Increase Your Energy: Tend to Your Emotional Health

Depression and anxiety often make you feel exhausted. Are you always tired, lacking energy, and lacking the desire to do much? If you are otherwise healthy yet constantly tired, examine your life. What bothers you emotionally?

However, if your depression or anxiety lasts more than two weeks, consider getting professional help. Psychotherapy can help you overcome these debilitating issues. This will help you regain your usual energy.

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75111746 Writer, blogger, editor
My name is Suzanne Kane, and I’m a motivational and passionate blog writer with over 30 years of experience. My mission is to provide thought-provoking blogs and feature articles exploring various topics of interest, including: Health Relationships Coping with Life’s Stresses Research on Anxiety and Depression Mental Health Issues Career How to Live Life to the Fullest and with Purpose
Increase Your Energy: 10 Ways

How to Increase Your Energy: 10 Ways

Do you want to increase your energy? Busy lifestyles can be draining. Yet, there are natural ways to boost your energy levels that are easy and relatively quick.

10 Ways to Increase Your Energy

Increase your energy? Absolutely. I’m all about doing what I can in a better way. This includes properly caring for my health and watching my daily energy levels. After considerable research, I’ve discovered that science backs up the merits of these 10 easy ways to increase your energy levels.

“You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.”

Oprah Winfrey

Lower Stress

Stress is a significant cause of energy depletion. When you’re stressed out, you’re worn out. If you suffer from chronic stress, the effect is cumulative and can worsen physical and mental conditions. Most stress is the result of anxiety, worry about things you cannot control, agonizing over making the wrong decisions, and even worrying about correct ones.

In short, living with non-stop stress zaps energy. Find healthy ways to lower your stress, and you’ll have more energy daily.

increase your energy

Ways to lower stress

How can you lower your stress? Do whatever relaxes you.

  • Read a fascinating novel
  • Go for coffee with a friend
  • Watch a favorite TV show or movie
  • Exercise vigorously
  • Garden
  • Play sports
  • Work on a hobby
  • Take a pleasant drive
  • Go out for dinner

Remember that it isn’t what you do but how relaxing the activity is that lessens the tension and reduces stress.

Eat More Nuts and Fish

Studies of women with magnesium deficiency showed they often felt physically exhausted. Why? Magnesium deficiency elevates heart rate, requiring more oxygen to function. Recommended daily magnesium allowances are 300 milligrams for women and 350 milligrams for men.

Natural magnesium sources that are low-calorie and delicious include:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Hazelnuts
  • Fish (such as halibut)

Increase Your Energy: Get Out and Walk

One of the simplest ways to boost energy levels is to go for a walk. How can walking increase your energy? It sounds contradictory, yet the science is sound.

A brisk 10-minute walk elevates energy levels. Better yet, the effects last up to 2 hours. Regular daily walks help you increase your energy and stamina and improve your mood.

Drink Lots of Water

Dehydration is another nasty energy-depleting culprit. When you’re dehydrated, your body is starved of life-saving water.

  • You may not realize that you’re thirsty. By the time you do, you’re likely dehydrated.
  • Sometimes, you think you’re fatigued when the truth is that you’re dehydrated.
  • You also might confuse hunger with thirst. The thought is you need to eat something when what you need is water.

There is a simple solution: drink water throughout the day. Strive for up to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. If you don’t like drinking too much plain water, use fruit-flavored, sugar-free water. Every organ in your body benefits, including muscles re-energized with water. You’ll also find that you’ve got a little more energy.

Cut Back on Sugar to Increase Your Energy

A high-sugar diet has a bad rap for good reason. It contributes to a thick waistline and heavier weight. But too much sugar also leaves you feeling drained. While sugar initially spikes blood sugar and provides an energy boost, that increased energy is short-lived. The rapid blood sugar drop may make you feel wiped out.

However, you can use a natural sweetener. I’ve become a fan of Stevia, a no-calorie natural sweetener that tastes 30 times sweeter than table sugar. Also, try Monk fruit. Both are excellent alternatives to regular sugar for baking.

increase your energy

Do Yoga

Yoga fans know that the practice is excellent for boosting energy. The asanas (poses) utilize breathing techniques that increase oxygen flow and alertness.

Also, the Savasana pose (corpse pose) helps reduce fatigue. Do this pose at the end of your yoga session. It looks like taking a quiet nap on the floor while resting on your yoga mat. You are sleeping yet fully conscious for the 10-20 minutes you allocate for this vital energy exercise.

Increase Your Energy: Eat Breakfast Daily

Your mother and nutrition experts always say breakfast is the day’s most important meal. Despite busy schedules, don’t skip this vital meal. You need the energy. It doesn’t have to be a long, sit-down meal for you to gain the benefits of breakfast.

Just make sure you eat food wisely. Go for breakfasts that help you power up your morning. As Harvard Medical School experts point out, include whole grains, fruit, and protein – and eat at home, not from a fast-food eatery.

Add Power Snacks for Energy Between Meals

Dinner may be a long way off, especially if you’re physically active or concentrating on a complex project. Here’s a healthy solution. Snack on power foods for an instant energy lift.

Do a combination of fat, protein, a little bit of fat, and fiber. Your energy levels will increase. Try a low-fat, low-salt (or salt-free) cracker with peanut butter, or enjoy yogurt with a small handful of nuts.

increase your energy

Try a 1-Hour Power Nap to Prevent Burnout

Experimental research conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that an hour-long power nap prevented burnout in participating subjects. Like the physical effects of stress that cause fatigue, mental performance during repeated cognitive tasks, especially stressful ones, can stimulate feelings of fatigue and low energy levels.

While not everyone has the luxury of taking a 1-hour nap every day, even a half-hour nap will help. Still, 60 minutes is more beneficial in preventing burnout.

Increase Your Energy: Tend to Your Emotional Health

Depression and anxiety often make you feel exhausted. Are you always tired, lacking energy, and lacking the desire to do much? If you are otherwise healthy yet constantly tired, examine your life. What bothers you emotionally?

However, if your depression or anxiety lasts more than two weeks, consider getting professional help. Psychotherapy can help you overcome these debilitating issues. This will help you regain your usual energy.

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Writer, blogger, editor

My name is Suzanne Kane, and I’m a motivational and passionate blog writer with over 30 years of experience. My mission is to provide thought-provoking blogs and feature articles exploring various topics of interest, including: Health Relationships Coping with Life’s Stresses Research on Anxiety and Depression Mental Health Issues Career How to Live Life to the Fullest and with Purpose


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