How to accept change is often seen as a challenge. While change is good, welcoming it into your life takes work. Everyone could use a few tips on how to accept change.

How to Accept Change: Then Welcome It Into Your Life
Do you know how to accept change? If you find it easy to embrace change, what helped you make that transition? For most, change is a yin-yang experience. Sometimes, change comes easily, while it can be difficult at other times.
“How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change.” – Elizabeth Lesser
How Important Is Change?
Why should we consider the importance of change in our everyday lives? We know that nothing ever stays the same and that change is inevitable and desirable. Yet, seeing the good hidden within the change is often difficult.
Instead, we tend to regard change as something negative. We avoid it without bothering to investigate. Many believe it is better to forget change than to examine it.
No wonder we have trouble with how to accept change.

Life Is Change
Yet, life itself is filled with change. Look at nature. It’s constantly in a state of flux. Consider the changes that occur in life:
- From morning to evening.
- Night into the day.
- Week in and week out.
- One month to the next.
- Changing seasons from winter to spring, summer to autumn.

Nature Changes Non-Stop
Nature offers a nonstop medley of change. Sometimes, the change is welcome. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring and the first glimpse of budding trees and flowers.
Sometimes, the change is unexpected. Think of sudden weather changes like a torrential downpour or a hurricane developing off the coast that threatens life and property.
Other times, the changes in nature can be inconvenient. This may necessitate a longer commute time or taking an alternate route. Isn’t this a metaphor for the life changes we experience ourselves?
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

How to Accept Change
Accepting change is the first step to take in learning how to not only recognize it but also regard it as a positive. If it takes work to achieve goals, this also reflects accepting and welcoming changes.
No one ever attains a worthwhile goal without going through some amount of effort and change. This is one way to view change as a normal part of life, something to see as an ally and part of our nature, not something alien that should be avoided.
Accept change and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.
Welcome Change Into Your Life
Take a moment when the natural instinct to turn away from change occurs.
- Look beyond the temporary blip in whatever you’re doing to see where this may take you.
- Make it a point to see change as normal and necessary for growth.
- Then, change will be more promising and easier to embrace.