Inspiration: Surprising Ways to Enjoy This Amazing Emotion

February 4, 2024

How do you find inspiration? Everyone can use inspiration now and then. Yet, why limit yourself? Be inspired daily. The only question is, how do you do that?

Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape.


Inspiration: What It Is and Where to Find It

Inspiration is a positive emotional experience that should be cherished, nurtured, and remembered. But how do you find inspiration in the first place? Is there some specific process to tap into inspiration, or is it a matter of chance?

While there are many ways to examine how you get inspired, here are a few ways to approach this goal.

Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

Learn to See the Wonder in Life

To find inspiration, first learn to see the wonder in life – all aspects of life. Undoubtedly, your life has many unknowns.

  • Everyone has a list of things they feel unsure of, don’t know about, or feel little confidence in.
  • We may lack reassurance and self-confidence, perhaps because our parents never praised our accomplishments.
  • Perhaps they were not given the freedom and encouraged to experiment, to try something new. That would tend to dampen enthusiasm and inspiration.


By deliberately focusing on what is in life that is of wonder, you start to see things differently – more positively and possibly.

Develop a Routine That Allows for Discovery

If you’re looking for inspiration, consider this. When you embark on a new adventure, you feel excited. You’ll likely to learn things, enjoy experiences, and meet different people.


Establish a daily routine that gives you time and space to discover new things. In this way, you create a buffer zone that allows inspiration to grow and fill it.

Photo by Christopher Ruel on Unsplash

To Find Inspiration: Nurture Pleasant Experiences

Inspiration thrives in the presence of openness, excitement, and discovery. If something feels good and you feel pleasure doing it, go for it. The caveat is that no harm comes to others or yourself in doing it.

Indulge in the life experiences you find most comforting and exciting. These are activities you can’t wait to do. For example, you may wish to:

  • Take long walks in nature.
  • Work in the garden.
  • Craft something.
  • Join others in a hobby or recreational activity.
  • Search for an answer to a problem or something else.


What gets you so motivated that you lose track of time while doing it is an excellent place to start. You should welcome and nurture these pleasurable experiences. They will help your budding inspiration to flourish and grow.

Do Things Differently, And Do Different Things

This is a no-brainer. If you want to be inspired, do everyday things differently. Furthermore, life becomes more exciting if you go out and do different things.

Let’s suppose your life is a daily grind. Nothing seems to excite you. Every day, you do the same things over and over. There’s a quick way out of this:

  • Do things differently.
  • It also involves doing different things.

What’s Involved?

It isn’t complicated. Simple changes create dramatic results. For example: Take a different way to work, go to school, or run errands. Start at the middle instead of the end. If you never plan before starting a project, map out the necessary steps before you begin.

On the other hand, maybe you pride yourself on doing things solo. Switch it up. Ask others for help. You’ll gain moral support and encouragement.

Finally, once you stop limiting yourself, ideas begin to flow. Solutions that you couldn’t imagine before will occur to you. Without that blockage in your mind, inspiration naturally rises to the surface.

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75111746 Writer, blogger, editor
My name is Suzanne Kane, and I’m a motivational and passionate blog writer with over 30 years of experience. My mission is to provide thought-provoking blogs and feature articles exploring various topics of interest, including: Health Relationships Coping with Life’s Stresses Research on Anxiety and Depression Mental Health Issues Career How to Live Life to the Fullest and with Purpose

Inspiration: Surprising Ways to Enjoy This Amazing Emotion

How do you find inspiration? Everyone can use inspiration now and then. Yet, why limit yourself? Be inspired daily. The only question is, how do you do that?

Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape.


Inspiration: What It Is and Where to Find It

Inspiration is a positive emotional experience that should be cherished, nurtured, and remembered. But how do you find inspiration in the first place? Is there some specific process to tap into inspiration, or is it a matter of chance?

While there are many ways to examine how you get inspired, here are a few ways to approach this goal.

Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

Learn to See the Wonder in Life

To find inspiration, first learn to see the wonder in life – all aspects of life. Undoubtedly, your life has many unknowns.

  • Everyone has a list of things they feel unsure of, don’t know about, or feel little confidence in.
  • We may lack reassurance and self-confidence, perhaps because our parents never praised our accomplishments.
  • Perhaps they were not given the freedom and encouraged to experiment, to try something new. That would tend to dampen enthusiasm and inspiration.


By deliberately focusing on what is in life that is of wonder, you start to see things differently – more positively and possibly.

Develop a Routine That Allows for Discovery

If you’re looking for inspiration, consider this. When you embark on a new adventure, you feel excited. You’ll likely to learn things, enjoy experiences, and meet different people.


Establish a daily routine that gives you time and space to discover new things. In this way, you create a buffer zone that allows inspiration to grow and fill it.

Photo by Christopher Ruel on Unsplash

To Find Inspiration: Nurture Pleasant Experiences

Inspiration thrives in the presence of openness, excitement, and discovery. If something feels good and you feel pleasure doing it, go for it. The caveat is that no harm comes to others or yourself in doing it.

Indulge in the life experiences you find most comforting and exciting. These are activities you can’t wait to do. For example, you may wish to:

  • Take long walks in nature.
  • Work in the garden.
  • Craft something.
  • Join others in a hobby or recreational activity.
  • Search for an answer to a problem or something else.


What gets you so motivated that you lose track of time while doing it is an excellent place to start. You should welcome and nurture these pleasurable experiences. They will help your budding inspiration to flourish and grow.

Do Things Differently, And Do Different Things

This is a no-brainer. If you want to be inspired, do everyday things differently. Furthermore, life becomes more exciting if you go out and do different things.

Let’s suppose your life is a daily grind. Nothing seems to excite you. Every day, you do the same things over and over. There’s a quick way out of this:

  • Do things differently.
  • It also involves doing different things.

What’s Involved?

It isn’t complicated. Simple changes create dramatic results. For example: Take a different way to work, go to school, or run errands. Start at the middle instead of the end. If you never plan before starting a project, map out the necessary steps before you begin.

On the other hand, maybe you pride yourself on doing things solo. Switch it up. Ask others for help. You’ll gain moral support and encouragement.

Finally, once you stop limiting yourself, ideas begin to flow. Solutions that you couldn’t imagine before will occur to you. Without that blockage in your mind, inspiration naturally rises to the surface.

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Writer, blogger, editor

My name is Suzanne Kane, and I’m a motivational and passionate blog writer with over 30 years of experience. My mission is to provide thought-provoking blogs and feature articles exploring various topics of interest, including: Health Relationships Coping with Life’s Stresses Research on Anxiety and Depression Mental Health Issues Career How to Live Life to the Fullest and with Purpose


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