Go With the Moment Now: Amazing, Simple Ways

November 15, 2023

Would you like to know how you can go with the moment? Release all your concerns? Feel the joy of playtime, the rush of doing something wonderfully fun, discovering something new, or pushing yourself to explore unknown territory.

Go With the Moment: You Can Relearn This

How you can go with the moment is something children instinctively know. Adults may forget how to shake off troubles and concentrate fully on the present.

Just be unattached as a child at play.” — Gangaji.

Yet, you can relearn this.

However, such spontaneity isn’t appropriate at times. You can’t be unattached if the boss clamors for a report, and you’re far from finished, or you’ve just received bad news that demands immediate action.

Still, you can be in the moment, dedicated, zeroed in, working diligently, and making deadlines.

go with the moment

Tips for How You Can Go With the Moment

Dive in to how you can go for the moment. Let’s get back to having fun, being unattached as a child at play, and going with the moment. So, here are a few suggestions to recapture childish wonder.

Turn off your self-censor button.

That’s right, stop telling yourself no or that you can’t do something. This includes the notion that it’s not adult-like, you don’t have time for this, or it’s just too silly. Instead, be open to the experience.

Permit yourself to feel whatever you feel now.

This might be joy, delight, or curiosity. It could entail a bit of trepidation, uncertainty, and even fear. Let your emotions play out if it’s within the realm of possibility, and you won’t be at too much risk. They may lead you to act in ways your self-censoring self previously prohibited. Who knows what you might learn?

How you can go with the moment: Acknowledge that it’s OK to have fun.

Take a break from chores and responsibilities. By doing something because you enjoy it, you nurture that part of yourself. Laughter can heal.

Know when it’s time to stop.

Like a kid playing in the park with friends, sunset signals time to go home. So, know your limits even while you’re having fun. There is a time for play and to tend to other things. When you pay attention to both, your joy in the moment is all the sweeter. You forget the hours working on a report, but you recall the fun working in the garden, celebrating with a loved one, laughing with friends, and reading a favorite book.

When you’re in the zone, go with it.

Finally, knowing you can do anything energizes, motivates, and inspires. The possibilities that reveal themselves are endless and exciting. That’s another benefit to learning how to go with the moment.

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go with the moment
November 15, 2023 | Archives 2, Change, Experiences, Life, Wisdom

Go With the Moment Now: Amazing, Simple Ways

Would you like to know how you can go with the moment? Release all your concerns? Feel the joy of playtime, the rush of doing something wonderfully fun, discovering something new, or pushing yourself to explore unknown territory.

Go With the Moment: You Can Relearn This

How you can go with the moment is something children instinctively know. Adults may forget how to shake off troubles and concentrate fully on the present.

Just be unattached as a child at play.” — Gangaji.

Yet, you can relearn this.

However, such spontaneity isn’t appropriate at times. You can’t be unattached if the boss clamors for a report, and you’re far from finished, or you’ve just received bad news that demands immediate action.

Still, you can be in the moment, dedicated, zeroed in, working diligently, and making deadlines.

go with the moment

Tips for How You Can Go With the Moment

Dive in to how you can go for the moment. Let’s get back to having fun, being unattached as a child at play, and going with the moment. So, here are a few suggestions to recapture childish wonder.

Turn off your self-censor button.

That’s right, stop telling yourself no or that you can’t do something. This includes the notion that it’s not adult-like, you don’t have time for this, or it’s just too silly. Instead, be open to the experience.

Permit yourself to feel whatever you feel now.

This might be joy, delight, or curiosity. It could entail a bit of trepidation, uncertainty, and even fear. Let your emotions play out if it’s within the realm of possibility, and you won’t be at too much risk. They may lead you to act in ways your self-censoring self previously prohibited. Who knows what you might learn?

How you can go with the moment: Acknowledge that it’s OK to have fun.

Take a break from chores and responsibilities. By doing something because you enjoy it, you nurture that part of yourself. Laughter can heal.

Know when it’s time to stop.

Like a kid playing in the park with friends, sunset signals time to go home. So, know your limits even while you’re having fun. There is a time for play and to tend to other things. When you pay attention to both, your joy in the moment is all the sweeter. You forget the hours working on a report, but you recall the fun working in the garden, celebrating with a loved one, laughing with friends, and reading a favorite book.

When you’re in the zone, go with it.

Finally, knowing you can do anything energizes, motivates, and inspires. The possibilities that reveal themselves are endless and exciting. That’s another benefit to learning how to go with the moment.

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