Everyone wants to learn how to feel good. The best ways are quick, simple, easy, and effective. So, if you want to feel amazing, try these tips today.
“I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning, I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate. – Louise May

How to Feel Good: Simple Tips Can Make You Feel Amazing
Do you want to learn how to feel good? Most of us do. But what is the secret to feeling amazing that’s simple and quick? These tips may help.

Say Something Kind
You meet people every day. Instead of passing them by without a word, smile and say something pleasant. This simple yet effective act shows kindness. Besides, it invites a smile in return. You feel good, and so does the other person. Kindness matters.
- This could be a hearty and cheerful hello or some other pleasantry. But, it can be brief. There’s no need to get into an involved conversation.
- Besides, you put a positive intent out there for others to receive.
“Take a deep breath. Inhale peace, exhale happiness.” – A.D. Posey

How to Feel Good: Always Find the Lesson
Every action you take holds an important lesson. You only need to search to find it. Besides, here’s what you learn from what you do:
- You add to your knowledge – even actions that initially turn out less successful expand what you know. So, take chances and make mistakes. You’ll learn valuable lessons.
- Furthermore, you hone your decision-making skills.
- Finally, you learn to see the connections between what you do and the results you achieve.
“Tension is who you think you are, relaxation is who you are.” – Lao Tzu
Consistently Live Up to Your Word
If you leave something undone, tend to it immediately. This shows that you are reliable, live up to your word, and make good promises.
- Remember, living up to your word is vital to rebuilding self-trust.
- After all, if you are true to yourself, that’s a sign that you have no regrets and do your best each day.

Get Outside in Nature
One of the best ways to feel good almost instantly is to spend time in nature. Research shows that nature experiences have the following benefits:
- They decrease stress, lower depression and anxiety, and improve cognitive function.
- Furthermore, being outside in nature boosts feelings of relaxation and comfort.
- Also, nature helps lower blood pressure and improve immune function.
“Beauty is everywhere. You only have to look to see it.” – Bob Ross
How to Feel Good: Build on Your Emotions
Emotions are very powerful and crucial to feeling good. Regardless of the outcome, you have no reason to feel bad when you do your best in everything.
- Take comfort in knowing you are learning, even from mistakes, and feel good about yourself.
- Besides, remember that to feel good, do good.
Nurture Yourself with Feel-Good Foods
Your body depends on food for the nutrition it needs to thrive. What you eat directly affects your feelings, so eat healthy, feel-good foods to help yourself feel amazing.
However, this does not mean overindulging in spicy, high-fat, high-calorie, greasy, fried, or high-sugar items. An occasional food treat is fine, but limit these.
Best Feel-Good Foods
Eat lots of the following:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Lean protein, including chicken breast or fish)
- Healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts, fish)
- Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains

How to Feel Good: Treat Yourself Better
Often, people neglect the person who most needs pampering: themselves. If you want to learn how to feel good, treat yourself better.
- Do things that make you feel happy.
- Give yourself a break when things get you down or you don’t feel well.
- Furthermore, learn how to say no when it’s something or someone that makes you feel bad.
- Besides, you build self-confidence and self-esteem by taking better care of yourself. This helps you feel better.
How Do You Want to Feel? Pursue That
Most people want to be happy, fulfilled, content, loved, appreciated, and satisfied. Whatever makes you feel good, pursue it. So, choose activities, friends, careers, and uplifting and nurturing environments that help you feel your best.
“Life is the dancer and you are the dance.” – Eckhart Tolle
I love to dance (and sing, for that matter). Dancing makes me feel amazing, alive, and present. But I also enjoy my garden, including weeding. Working in the dirt is therapeutic and satisfying, helping plants and flowers grow.
So, whatever makes you smile, feel happy, loved, and excited, do more of it. You’ll never regret it.