Your goals need a plan. Every one of them. Why are you still fighting this? These thoughts may inspire you to get started.
The age-old rule for success is to have a goal and a plan and work the plan. While some might dismiss the concept as outdated, the basic tenets still hold. If you want to succeed, you need to know what you’re working for, know how to approach it, and then be willing to work on the plan.
In short, every goal needs a plan.
But how do you get started?
“Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.” – Margaret Thatcher
Your Goals Need a Plan
All of your goals need a plan. This is no time for winging it, hoping for a good outcome. Without a plan to follow, there’s too much opportunity for distraction, going off-course, and winding up with a much less satisfactory result.
Tips to Get Started
Plans, of course, come in all sorts of variations.
- There are tiered ones.
- Certain plans have stages of completion that must be met before proceeding.
- Some are heavily dependent on research.
- Financial concerns are a significant concern in some.
- Others require preliminary outlines.
- Then there are emotionally driven methods.
- And some are adaptations of other approaches.
There are as many kinds of plans as goals.
The fact that it’s your goal makes the plan you decide upon unique.
How to Tailor Your Plan for Success
To increase the likelihood of success, adopt the mindset that having a plan helps drive up your chances. This also may make the idea more palatable. This is especially true for those who reject structure as alien to creativity.
It’s anything but.
When there’s a plan in place, that frees up creativity because there’s no need to concentrate on determining what comes next. It’s all there in the plan.
Make Your Plan Flexible
Just as plans are necessary for every goal, you must be flexible in carrying it out. Suppose an excellent suggestion someone makes could improve the chances of success. Would you automatically dismiss the idea because it doesn’t fit the original plan?
To see how ridiculous this might be, think of a man driving to a destination using a planned route. The road abruptly ends due to a road closure. He cannot continue along this road and must be flexible enough to adjust his planned route to consider the unexpected obstacle. If he drives around the road barriers, he risks putting himself and others in danger. However, with an alternate route in mind, he can still arrive at his destination, albeit a little later, but much safer.
Many goals don’t carry life-and-death risks but inherently have risks.
- The whole thing could fail.
- Someone could stop it at any time.
- Circumstances could change to make it unworkable, unacceptable, or undesirable.
That’s why it’s always wise to have options and approaches if the original plan runs into issues.
Your Goals Need a Plan: Work It
No matter what, a plan – any plan – demands action. You must be willing to put in the work required to succeed.
- Create the goal.
- Devise the way to accomplish it.
- Work on it.
Remember that crafting a plan to achieve a goal is worthwhile if you consider it desirable. The only way to success isn’t through shortcuts but through careful planning and execution.