Gratitude is a virtue. Most of us agree with that. Indeed, philosophers and poets praise it as one of our most desirable attributes. But how should you express it? Furthermore, how do you benefit?
“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”
Henry Ward Beecher
Gratitude: Best Ways to Show It and Why It Helps
If gratitude is virtuous, and you have much to be thankful for, why not express it? It costs nothing, yet it yields countless benefits. Are you looking for ways to show and acknowledge gratitude? Try these simple, quick, and easy tips.
Show Your Gratitude: Say a Kind Word.
The quickest, simplest, and easiest way to demonstrate gratitude is to thank another. Say a few kind words if you don’t have a specific item to express thanks for. This is just as effective.
Remember, the kind words you speak earnestly are like healing balm to a troubled soul. They work equally well for those who are stressed, unappreciated, lonely, ill, tired, anxious, or depressed. Besides, don’t you feel better when someone says something kind to you?

Include Others in Your Plans.
Chances are you know someone alone or lonely. It could be someone who needs time away from being a loved one’s caregiver. What extra would it take to invite that individual to accompany you on an outing, share a coffee or beverage at a nearby restaurant, take a movie, or go for a walk?
Including others in your plans lets them know you’re thinking about them and value their friendship. It’s also an effortless way to express your gratitude.

Listen Intently.
I know I’m guilty of sometimes thinking so hard about what I’m about to say that I don’t hear another person saying. This is a common trait that can be corrected. Yet, it takes effort and practice.
To listen intently:
- Stop editing your subsequent comments.
- Listen actively and intently.
- Show your attention with your body language.
By doing this, it shows you respect and appreciate them. This is a lesson each of us must learn.

How to Show Gratitude: Bring Lunch.
Preparing meals is often a dreaded chore. This is especially true if you’re overworked and chronically stressed. Likely, you know someone who’d be delighted if you surprised them with a tasty lunch. Think of a neighbor, co-worker, friend, or loved one who could use the lift that your lunch gift brings. What an excellent way to show gratitude for what they mean to you.
Pay an Impromptu Visit.
How often have you heard others welcome you to drop by and visit them? Do they genuinely mean it? This is a subtle invitation. They’re asking you to come over. When you do, even if it’s a quick visit after work, church, or shopping, it lets that person know you care.
Check in with an Email.
If you’re busy and can’t take the time for an in-person visit, there’s always email. Dash off a thoughtfully worded communication to let them know they are in your thoughts. Add some entertaining or informative comments to round out the note.
Express Gratitude: Call to Say Hello.
I love to hear a loved one’s voice. A call is much more personal than an email, although it doesn’t replace a physical visit. You’d be surprised how satisfying a call can be. It is a quick way to say hello – and the recipient will much appreciate it. Even if you have little time, exchanging pleasantries this way stimulates a sense of well-being.
Ask What You Can Do.
Like most people, I hesitate to ask for help. I was taught as a child to be self-sufficient and do things for myself. Sometimes, however, your to-do list is overwhelming. Since we all feel this way, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Ask if there’s anything you can do to help. Then, be sure to follow up on your offer if they accept.

Bring Flowers to a Friend.
A bright bouquet is a cheery way to express your gratitude. They don’t call them “Thank You” bouquets for nothing. Yet, you don’t have to spend much money to show someone how much you appreciate them. Pick some blooms from your garden and take them to a deserving friend. Their appreciative smile will say it all.
Offer Help with Errands or Chores.
When raising my children, there was never time to finish everything. Laundry, preparing school lunches, setting out their clothes for the next day, checking homework, and many more duties ate up my time. I would have loved to accept a friend’s offer to run errands, sort laundry, or clean my kids’ cluttered bedrooms.
Sadly, I didn’t have anyone around to help. Yet, I know how much-overworked moms appreciate such assistance.
- Therefore, if I have an opportunity today, I offer to help someone I care about.
- It doesn’t have to be housework, either. For example, helping a co-worker with a project, volunteering, and taking a family member’s kids to the park all count, too.

How You Benefit from Expressing Gratitude
Expressing your gratitude helps others feel better. But how do you benefit?
Philosophers say that gratitude begets other virtues. It helps shape our emotions, thoughts, actions, words, and deeds. In addition to expressing your appreciation and making someone else feel better, you reap benefits from your words and actions.
- You feel better about yourself.
- Practicing gratitude helps you feel calmer and more relaxed.
- You will sleep better.
- Being grateful helps improve your health because of your positive emotions.
- Coping mechanisms improve.
- The immune system functions better.
- Gratitude reduces stress.
- Energy levels increase.
Consider gratitude a virtue, a trait unique to our species.